Warning: This document is for an old version of Pydra: A simple dataflow engine with scalable semantics. The main version is master.

pydra.engine.specs module

Task I/O specifications.

class pydra.engine.specs.BaseSpec

Bases: object

The base dataclass specs for all inputs and outputs.


Check fields from input spec based on the medatada.

e.g., if xor, requires are fulfilled, if value provided when mandatory.


Check contained metadata.

collect_additional_outputs(inputs, output_dir, outputs)

Get additional outputs.


Copy the file pointed by a File input.

property hash

Compute a basic hash for any given set of fields.

retrieve_values(wf, state_index=None)

Get values contained by this spec.


Update template.

class pydra.engine.specs.ContainerSpec(*, executable: str | List[str], args: str | List[str] | None = None, image: File | str, container: File | str | None, container_xargs: List[str] | None = None)

Bases: ShellSpec

Refine the generic command-line specification to container execution.

container: File | str | None

The container.

container_xargs: List[str] | None
image: File | str

The image to be containerized.

class pydra.engine.specs.Directory

Bases: object

An os.pathlike object, designating a folder.

class pydra.engine.specs.DockerSpec(*, executable: str | List[str], args: str | List[str] | None = None, image: File | str, container_xargs: List[str] | None = None, container: str = 'docker')

Bases: ContainerSpec

Particularize container specifications to the Docker engine.

container: str

The container.

class pydra.engine.specs.File

Bases: object

An os.pathlike object, designating a file.

class pydra.engine.specs.FunctionSpec

Bases: BaseSpec

Specification for a process invoked from a shell.


Check the metadata for fields in input_spec and fields.

Also sets the default values when available and needed.

class pydra.engine.specs.LazyField(node, attr_type)

Bases: object

Lazy fields implement promises.

get_value(wf, state_index=None)

Return the value of a lazy field.

class pydra.engine.specs.MultiInputFile

Bases: MultiInputObj

A ty.List[File] object, converter changes a single file path to a list

class pydra.engine.specs.MultiInputObj

Bases: object

A ty.List[ty.Any] object, converter changes a single values to a list

classmethod converter(value)
class pydra.engine.specs.MultiOutputFile

Bases: MultiOutputObj

A ty.List[File] object, converter changes an 1-el list to the single value

class pydra.engine.specs.MultiOutputObj

Bases: object

A ty.List[ty.Any] object, converter changes an 1-el list to the single value

classmethod converter(value)
class pydra.engine.specs.Result(*, output: Any | None = None, runtime: Runtime | None = None, errored: bool = False)

Bases: object

Metadata regarding the outputs of processing.

errored: bool

Used in get_values in Workflow


field_name (str) – Name of field in LazyField object

output: Any | None
runtime: Runtime | None
class pydra.engine.specs.Runtime(*, rss_peak_gb: float | None = None, vms_peak_gb: float | None = None, cpu_peak_percent: float | None = None)

Bases: object

Represent run time metadata.

cpu_peak_percent: float | None

Peak in cpu consumption.

rss_peak_gb: float | None

Peak in consumption of physical RAM.

vms_peak_gb: float | None

Peak in consumption of virtual memory.

class pydra.engine.specs.RuntimeSpec(*, outdir: str | None = None, container: str | None = 'shell', network: bool = False)

Bases: object

Specification for a task.

From CWL:


container: str | None
network: bool
outdir: str | None
class pydra.engine.specs.ShellOutSpec(*, return_code: int, stdout: File | str, stderr: File | str)

Bases: object

Output specification of a generic shell process.

collect_additional_outputs(inputs, output_dir, outputs)

Collect additional outputs from shelltask output_spec.

generated_output_names(inputs, output_dir)

Returns a list of all outputs that will be generated by the task. Takes into account the task input and the requires list for the output fields. TODO: should be in all Output specs?

return_code: int

The process’ exit code.

stderr: File | str

The process’ standard input.

stdout: File | str

The process’ standard output.

class pydra.engine.specs.ShellSpec(*, executable: str | List[str], args: str | List[str] | None = None)

Bases: BaseSpec

Specification for a process invoked from a shell.

args: str | List[str] | None

Check the metadata for fields in input_spec and fields.

Also sets the default values when available and needed.

executable: str | List[str]
retrieve_values(wf, state_index=None)

Parse output results.

class pydra.engine.specs.SingularitySpec(*, executable: str | List[str], args: str | List[str] | None = None, image: File | str, container_xargs: List[str] | None = None, container: str = 'singularity')

Bases: ContainerSpec

Particularize container specifications to Singularity.

container: str

The container.

class pydra.engine.specs.SpecInfo(*, name: str, fields: List[Tuple] = _Nothing.NOTHING, bases: Tuple[Type] = _Nothing.NOTHING)

Bases: object

Base data structure for metadata of specifications.

bases: Tuple[Type]

Keeps track of specification inheritance. Should be a tuple containing at least one BaseSpec

fields: List[Tuple]

List of names of fields (can be inputs or outputs).

name: str

A name for the specification.

class pydra.engine.specs.TaskHook(*, pre_run_task: ~typing.Callable = <function donothing>, post_run_task: ~typing.Callable = <function donothing>, pre_run: ~typing.Callable = <function donothing>, post_run: ~typing.Callable = <function donothing>)

Bases: object

Callable task hooks.

post_run: Callable
post_run_task: Callable
pre_run: Callable
pre_run_task: Callable
pydra.engine.specs.attr_fields(spec, exclude_names=())
pydra.engine.specs.attr_fields_dict(spec, exclude_names=())
pydra.engine.specs.donothing(*args, **kwargs)

Convert paths to strings.